Thursday, February 7, 2008

Lab1 - Question1

According to Clause 3, Privacy, and Clause 5, Content of the Service, Google may share your personal information and your content with a government.
What are the risks of such a clause?

According to clause 3 and clause 5 Google may share its users’ personal information and content with government. Consequently, users may feel uncomfortable expressing their views (which may be against government) in their communication. User may feel that they have lost their freedom of expression even in private communication. Also whatever a user shares with others on internet may not always be based on facts. If the government starts monitoring all the communication then it may have to investigate many people based on false information.

According to Clause 11, Indemnification, you cannot sue Google for any use of the blog service.
Connecting this clause with the previous question, how might a service abuser benefit from such clause?

A service abuser may violate terms of services or copyrights of a third party using Google’s blog service. Clause 11 ensures Google’s safety in such case.

According to Clause 6, all blog content is licensed under the Creative Commons License.
What are the objectives of the Creative Commons License?
What other public licenses are available for use?

The objectives of Creative Commons License are to provide a balance between full copyright and no copyrights. It provides moderation between freedom and control. Under Creative Commons License people can reserve ‘some’ copyrights but at the same time have limited freedom to use other’s work.

Some of other public licenses are GNU General Public license, Cryptix General License, Intel open source license, public domain etc.